Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Greek Mythology: 'Love' (No Boundary on Sexuality)

Love in Greek mythology has always be regard as the over inspiration of affection by means of their love is so pure that it has no boundary; love relationship between same-sex or same-root in family is just the norms. Not to mention, showing one's affection to another is not wrong at all, even it is a drastic behavior (e.g. Zeus raped the woman he adore). Hence, 'Love/Affection' is both adorable and wild. Conservative personnel like many human regard this as "Sexuality is free but also potentially dangerous".

Even in some circumstances, the Greek god Eros is being blame to shoot the arrow of love/affection too casually and thoughtlessly; love between the Greek god Venus and Mars is an accidental shot by Eros.

In elaborate on male couples, in the Greek myths story; usually consist of a god in the role of the adult lover, and a hero in the role of the adolescent boy beloved. Children, even mythical ones, were not involved, as the Greeks frowned upon sexual relationships with little boys. In actual practice the most prized boys were well into adolescence and would be of legal age in many countries today.

However it is not principally all about sex. In primary terms, it is all about friendship and love as reflected in conflicts about trust and betrayal, pride and humility, and right and wrong. It's also problematic to say that the myths are about "gay" love. Greek homosexuality is more complex and the Greeks would not have thought of themselves as gay. On one hand, sex between adult men was frowned upon (which proves that it existed). On the other, most men and boys who fell in love with each other would later go on to marriage and children. Accordingly, mythical Greek homosexuality defies the modern fashion of gay and straight.

In another departure from modern gay culture, penetration in ancient Greece was badly seen. Men who penetrated their boyfriends were regarded as uncultured and abusive. Those that were themselves penetrated became the object of ridicule. When couples made love, they were expected to make love between the thighs. And that is how the gods are depicted.

 If you read more on Greek Mythology, you will find out that Hercules had too many boyfriends to count, and you'll read how Apollo fell in love with one boy after another. Strangely, they all died, which is the Greeks' way of saying that his boyfriends died as boys in order to be reborn as men. You will meet the most handsome of all heroes, Achilles, who fell in love with his best friend, Patroclus. Here too is Narcissus, who was cruel to his boyfriends and paid for it. And let us not forget Zeus, who drove his wife into a rage with his love for beautiful Ganymede.

The Many Loves of Hercules
Hercules and Hylas
Zeus and Ganymede
Poseidon and Pelops
Apollo and Hyacinth
Apollo and Cyparissus
Pan and Daphnis
Narcissus and Echo
Orpheus and Eurydice
Achilles and Patroclus
Laius and Chrysippus

Interestingly, the horoscope Aquarius, in Greek Myths, is the formation from the story of Zeus and Ganymede; Aquarius was depicted as a man/boy (aka Ganymede) pouring water/wine from a bucket/urn (in serving drink to all gods during all gods-gathering). In relation many astrologers have imply that an Aquarius's behaviour does reflects the relationship between Zeus and Ganymede; being handsome/persuasive like how Zeus deal with Ganymede, being charming/pretty boy while be in reaction of resistance in appearance but hunger in emotion like how Ganymede reacts to Zeus abduction and seduction. 
Not to be rule nor discriminate, Aquarius does reflect the lots of attributes of a homosexual.

Reference Source:
 2)Lucia Impelluso (2008), ‘Myths : Tales of the Greek and Roman Gods’, Harry N Abrams, New York.

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(DIY) Joss-Stick/Incense Fortune-Tell

Joss-Stick/Incense Fortune-Tell is original from the Chinese occult philosophy. Many Chinese carryout such fortune-tell when they conduct a praying session to the gods or ancestor. However if you think that only the Chinese conduct it, you are wrong. Many western also conduct such fortune-tell technique using scented Joss Stick.

Do Try It!!!

Prepare 3 Joss-Stick and let it burn from min. 3min to max. 15 min(depend on the length of Joss-stick) and the shape formed from the 3 Joss-Stick will determine your fortune for the next 7 days.