Monday, 16 September 2013

Palmistry: Ring Positioning

Ring, a circular band worn as ornamental jewellery around the finger that have being in this world since the day humans were born. Different culture have different reason/meaning to wear a ring but generally, they provide some sort of spiritual energy enhancement for the personnel wearing it. Below are some common philosophy in ring wearing/positing on fingers.

Sociological Philosophy

Embrace Power: Personnel is able to have a higher sense of self-confident, authority and focus.

Pledge to not Marry: Personnel tends to be more wise in decision. This normally symbolize personnel who wish to be single or do not wish to tie the knot with a opposite-sex personnel; aka relate to homosexual personnel ring symbolization.

Engagement: Personnel tends to be more cautious in temptation. It is a pledge that the personnel is temporary attached.

Married: Personnel tends to be discipline in temptation.  It is a pledge that the personnel is permanently attached. (The ring have to be taken out and cleanse{refer to the below method} occasionally or else divorce will occurs)

Prosperity: Helps the personnel to enhance his/her luck generally.

Occults Philosophy (Common Palmistry Meaning)

Health: Helps the personnel to enhance/reinforce his/her health generally.

Career: Helps the personnel to enhance/reinforce his/her career-luck generally.

Love: Helps the personnel to enhance/reinforce his/her love-prospect generally.

Protection: Helps the personnel to minimize the bad-luck impact/occurrence generally.

Fortune: Helps the personnel to enhance/reinforce his/her prosperity generally.

**Additional meaning: wearing a ring can help personnel to spend less in monetary term.

Both philosophies are very comparable. For example,
  1. When have a higher sense of self-confident, self-esteem will enhaced and thereby promote the health of that personnel in a psychological approach.
  2. Single status personnel will have full focus in career and thereby career prospect enhanced.
  3. Personnel with more cautious in temptation, he/she will find the right-love more easily
  4. Personnel with more discipline in temptation, bad occurrence will tend to be less.
  5. Prosperity and Fortune are identical in meaning.

Enhancement Wearing Technique
  • The commencement of wearing a ring should be during the 1st or the 15th of the lunar calender at 12am - 1am (The phase of a new-moon or a full-moon).
    • For cleansing, follow the above timing while washing the ring with plain water under the open sky will do.
  • No specific requirement for the material of the ring, as long as it is not plastic

  • However there are ranking for the material of the ring by means of spiritual energy. Gold, Silver and Jade/Crystal have higher energy source.

  • Colors can also play a part - Green for Health/Career, Gold/Yellow for fortune, Pink for Love, White/Colorless/Purple/Black for Overall Prosperity.

  • Once a while twist/turn the ring wore, inwards and chant the things you hope for. This is an easy enhancement spell casting. 

 Try it out!!!! And May Your Wish Comes True (^_^)!!!!

Thursday, 12 September 2013

Beloved Wolf

This is my delegation for all the wolves out there as they are my most favorite animal of all. Many have said them to be evil and cruel but I view differently.

If you give a deep though about why you dislike, you may found out that you being brainwash by all the fairytale stories you heard.
  • As why u dislike wolf but not lion?
    • The lion king story of bravery and love VS the wolves that wanted to eat the red-little-ridding hood and 3 little pigs
    • By the way both are predator in the nature context.
In history, before the popularization of fairy-tales, wolves are regard as creature with high spiritual existence. They have the same spiritual ranking as Dragons, Tigers, Lions, Eagles, Ravens, Snakes and etc.

Facts about wolf:
  1. They cherish brotherhood that why they work and move in packs
  2. They devoted to their lover/family that they will protect them no matter what.
  3. They are brave and courage like lions and tigers 
Important note: They are not to be regard as dogs as they can't be tamed, likewise they are not like dogs willing to scarify self-will to be obedience towards humans who may bring them some treats. Thus, they should be respect of having the dignity of a wild beast.

Furthermore, they are fury cute too!!!! Yeah(^^)
So please don't discriminate them or even kill them. They are now in the endanger list too, you know(^_^).  

Myths & Truths about Animals/Creatures (Spiritually)

In the modern context, there are many rumors about certain animal/creatures being evil or are a devil in the shape of an animal. The origin of this rumors mainly comes from fairytale brainwashing or scary movie/story telling. Despite these rumors are all myths but not totally untrue.

Below are some of these rumors (Myths):
1) Cats are devil in the shape of an animal, especially those black ones.
2) Wolfs as well as dogs are devil's dogs, normally they are crazy and mad.
3) Bats are forms of vampire, sucking blood out of living creatures.
4) Owl are the ghost at night
5) Ravens/crows are the devil's messenger.
6) Rats/Snakes/Scorpio are the devil's pets to spread disease and poison to the world.

The Truths
 Every creatures (e.g. animals, humans or even plants) on earth have certain amount of spiritual energy that the stronger the energy, the more impact one will felt when interact with them. Impact can be by means of:
  • Hypnotize by the creature (may did something normally will not do)
  • Felt weak physically (e.g. dizzy, tired etc.)
  • Felt very emotional (e.g. very sad/angry)
  • Felt uncomfortable
  • Felt a sense of goose-bump
Thus, there are no true evil among any creature nor creature are evil if they have some spiritual energy.

So how to identify whether a certain creature have strong spiritual energy or not? 
Below are some specification on creatures with strong spiritual energy

Trees and Plants
  • Its spiritual energy tend to be release strongly during a very humid condition (cold and wet)
    • Normally refer to the night time, Early-Spring, mid and late Autumn, and Winter.
  •  Trees or Plants with thick steam, long history, and even vine-like plants have strong spiritual energy.

  • Normally refer to people who have higher spiritual development (high priest/priestess/monk/sorcerer)
  • Or those who born with high spiritual energy (able to see the spirits from the dead)

  • Intangible characteristic -> being wild and tranquil
 Some example of animal with strong spiritual energy:
Cats, Tiger, Eagle, Wolfs, Raven, Snake and etc. (They are all highly untamable while tranquil in nature)

Some example of animal with low spiritual energy: 
Dogs, House-birds or any animal that have high level of obedience. 

  • Tangible Characteristic -> Finger-like paws, fading eyes, and elegance but swift in movement. 

**The concept of demons and 妖精 come from this section.