Tuesday 9 February 2016

2016 Overview Forecast: A Roller Coaster Year

This year is "A Roller Coaster Year"!!
A Year where many situations will be getting out of hand, in other words it is a year like riding a roller coaster. This year any misfortune arise are man-made; despite an occurrence of natural disaster, death of life are mainly caused by man-made issue (e.g. negligent in structure building). In other words, it is a time where fault will rise to surface in all organisation's SOP (especially in the government/NGOs sector). 
Furthermore, many main stream industry will be facing a great impact this year, e.g. industry in service line, manufacturing, F&B, IT, Finance, and tourism; whereas industry in the media and marketing section will be booming.
Hence, this year the economy will be worst compare to 2015; in relation beware of over promising opportunity, Scam, Fraud. Especially those in the stock market, things will get very chaotic. Consequently, because this year is chaotic, outbreak of terrorism/bombing/conflict-dilemma attacks will be more; situation like 'the Paris attack' will be more this year. 
Nonetheless, for Health wise, mainly is the heart and stomach issue (e.g. gastric, stomach flu, heart attack, heart aching linkage with headache). These are mainly caused by negative emotion build-up/influence as well as ate something wrong (the handling of food got issues). Likewise, injury cause by accident will be more for this year, thus beware of transport accident or going to overcrowded location. 

These dilemmas will result in drastic emotion build up, if you let yourself to be influenced you will be stuck in the chaos environment; as an extreme result your emotion may be scars for life. However, if you are able to stay calm and positive towards all dilemmas situation coming ahead, you will be safe guard as flow smoother than you thought. Likewise, the key to survive such chaos this year is to follow the flow while adaptable to changes. Moreover, these dilemmas may comes in least expected timing (more of an external factor impact), and outcome mostly will be delays/termination of projects, accidents and injury incurred. Thus, don't be discouraged this year as I assure things/situation will be better next year (^_^)

Prosper direction will be the north, east, and south-east where good fortune will blossom; whereas the west and south will experience events of downfall occurrence (i.e. more accident/chaotic situation will incur at this location, company's performance may shrink if it located at this location) 

  Still in the midst of 'CHANGE' (Ending Phase)
The year of change is from 2011 to 2016 and thus, this year are no exception. This year is the ending phase of change, thus there will be more drastic event happening. 
Lucky color for this year is Rainbow, by means of everyday having minimum 3 color selected among the colors in a Rainbow; colors selected must be slightly different from the previous selected ones. Moreover, it be greater if you go for one day cool and the other day warm color.
>Rainbow holds the color of positivity, change, peace & vibrant, and diversity.
**(Note: Avoid luminous color like lime green etc, as it possess a sense of overboard domination; Its great to blend in the color Black & White with the above color as it act as a joint(harmony) attributes to ensure the colors are well blended)
In other words, discrimination and stereotyping others this year will affect your prosperity/fortune in general; not to mention if you discriminate and stereotyping others this year, it will hunt you back for the next 3 years. Hence, giving and acceptance are essential this year (just like rainbow the symbol that accept diversity and positivity).

<<2016 Astrology: Dates to take notes>> 
During these dates, the one recommendation that I will give is to be patient, calm, positive, wise and do more good deeds; and thereby nothing too bad will happen.

#} Mercury Retrograde
Dates: (29th Apr - 23rd May) (31st Aug - 22nd Sep) (19th Dec - 8th Jan 2017) 
  • Being blur/careless in this period
  • Easy expose to miss-communication
  • Machinery will be disrupted/Jam 
  • Wrong decision and judgement will be make 
  • Get emotionally/mentally interrupted easily
    (Especially for past matters)

Bless with a Great YEAR coming !!!!
(*_*) Smile**

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